
River Valley Civilizations Pursuasive Essay

Below you will see one of my first major projects from the first semester of World History. As part of this pursuasive essay, we were to choose which river valley civilization has the greatest lasting impact in history. When choosing between India, China, Egypt, and Meaopotamia, I decided to choose Egypt. I felt that Egypt had some of the greatest inventions and achievements. Their invention of the pyramids (architectural designs) and many medical tools was just outstanding. I also compared and contrasted all of the river valleys a little bit as well. Enjoy!

       The four river valley civilizations are India, China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. These four civilizations express very similar characteristics, including their social classes. For example, in these civilizations, many of the emperors, kings, pharaohs, and/or priests were considered the top social class. While on the other hand, merchants, laborers, and women were nearly the lowest social class. Secondly, all of these civilizations placed themselves next to major rivers (the Nile, the Indus River, the Tigris and Euphrates, the Yangtze River, etc.) and took advantage of them in similar ways. Rivers were utilized as a form of transportation, a great fishing source, an irrigation source, and useful for farming (silt). All of these civilizations were also similar in that at one point or another, they expressed the importance of Polytheism, or the belief in many gods. Although many of these civilizations accomplished great things and shared many ideas in common, ancient Egypt has the biggest impact on our world today.

        Ancient Egypt has the greatest impact on our world today because of its inventions, architectural advancements, and the use of gold. Some of the greatest inventions in history from this civilization are the creation of the calendar, mummification, and medical advancements. As you may or may not know, the ancient Egyptians created one of the first solar calendars consisting of 365 days, with 30 days in each month. To this day we base much of our time and actions around such an invention. But, if we trace the history of the calendar, we can thank the ancient Egyptians for such a great achievement. Also, at the time, ancient Egypt was capable of many medical techniques including non-invasive surgery, the setting of bones, dentistry, and medical prescriptions. This civilization was even capable of inventing surgical tools such as scissors, scalpels, needles, hooks, spoons, and pinchers. Even today we use most of these tools and techniques! Not only was the medical side of things very advanced in Egypt, but the action of mummification (The preserving of the body through the use of clothes and oils) was also a great achievement. Ancient Egyptians were so good at this practice, that even today we know the diseases that some individuals suffered from. Although today we do not performing the wrapping aspect of mummification, we still use the process of embalming, just as the Egyptians did right before the wrapping process. Secondly, Ancient Egypt also had one of the biggest architectural advancements. Building such pyramids at that time would have been very difficult, especially without the modern technology or machinery that we have today. But, the Egyptians were able to exactly calculate the measurements of each pyramid through the use of geometry, multiplication, and fractions. Today, many modern architectural buildings take on designs and measurement techniques similar to those found in ancient Egypt (For example, the Washington Monument design). Lastly, ancient Egypt’s use of gold greatly impacts our world today. Even at such an ancient time, Egyptians were able to mine for gold and cover statues, furniture, tombs, jewelry (bracelets, rings, head jewelry, etc.), and much more in such gold. Today, gold is used in many ways that reflect methods in which Egyptians used it (Jewelry, statues, temples/building, etc.). But, we have modern technology that makes the mining process much easier!

        Although ancient China, India, and Mesopotamia developed some great achievements, the overall development and impact of ancient Egypt is superior. To start, like ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia had some unique achievements. Ancient Mesopotamia was able to create pottery, board games, the wheel, and even prisons. Although some of these achievements are pretty great, ancient Egypt accomplished greater inventions. Egyptians invented the calendar, which allowed the people to prepare for various seasons and months susceptible to floods. Egypt also invented medical tools and techniques which saved peoples’ lives! In my personal opinion, saving lives is a greater achievement than creating a wheel, especially when comparing it to today’s world. Secondly, one may argue that ancient Mesopotamia is superior to the other river valley civilizations because its architecture was more advanced (Arches and columns). But, ancient Egypt was capable of not only building steep ramps, but also being able to create pyramids standing at nearly 480 feet tall, full of secret chambers and entrances! Although both pyramid type structures as well as arches and columns are used today, the creation of pyramids was a much harder and larger process. Next, some may argue that India was the greatest civilization because it was capable of using products from plants and animals to improve health. But, in comparison to ancient Egypt’s surgical tools, as well as its dentistry and setting of bones, Egyptian medical techniques have influenced more modern day strategies. Secondly, ancient India was able to create a unique system of writing known as the Indus Script. In the same matter, ancient Egyptians were able to create a form of writing called hieroglyphics. Unfortunately the Indus Scripts’ system of writing is poorly understood and not much can be learned from it. While on the other hand, much can be learned about Egyptian life and ways from such ancient hieroglyphics. Lastly, ancient China was thought to be significant because it was capable of building the Great Wall of China as well as inventing acupuncture, the kite, and silk. But, ancient Egyptians also built great walls around each of their cities, as well as invented many devices that drastically changed lives then and now. Although silk was important, such medical devices had the greatest influence even to this day when considering life and death.

        Ancient Egypt has the greatest impact on our world today, although other river valley civilizations still accomplished great things and shared many ideas in common. Ancient Egypt has such an impact today because it developed some of the greatest inventions, great architectural advancements, and the use of gold. Inventions such as the creation of the calendar, mummification, as well as medical advancements had a greater impact on our world today when compared to inventions from other civilizations (such as the wheel, tea, and kites). Also, the architectural design and mathematics needed to build the pyramids was far superior than the simple buildings of other civilizations. Lastly, Egyptians used gold in various meaningful ways that we still use today (such as jewelry, statues, buildings, etc.). For these reasons and more, ancient Egypt has the greatest impact today.

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